Another sign of cleanliness: that bucket and mop right by the door -- a door made of glass, by the way, so it lets in tons of natural light!
Of course, we wouldn't want any pesky co-workers peering through the glass while Joan was busy manufacturing milk for Snookums. This is New York, after all, not Amsterdam. That's why I've cleverly devised a tasteful privacy screen out of an old whiteboard. It's not for nothing that some consider me the Martha Stewart of Medela-land!
Ouch! At least there is an electrical outlet in case batteries run out. I used to pump in the restroom at work, no fun. Some day many worksites may actually provide a space AND the pumps. (My cousin's hospital has this!)
I recommend freecycle for clearing out some of that junk.
If it were up to me I'd put it on Craigslist, but I doubt the guy we rent office space from would appreciate his stuff suddenly disappearing.
I used to pump in the bathroom in my old office, and this is way better, but still a joke. Guess I should feel lucky I don't pump in the bathroom at this job because our bathrooms are unisex.
hey at least there is a nice hardwood floor!
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