Here's a recap of my weekend:
- Took Snookums yesterday to a lab where they drew blood to test her for lead exposure. (This is a routine screening.) After they were finished, her Band-Aid came off and she dripped blood all over her onesie and my (formerly) white coat.
- Last night, Snookums took a huge dump in the tub while I was bathing her. Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever taken a huge dump in the tub while you were bathing, or has my daughter ever come over to your house and taken a dump in your tub?
- Tonight when I was getting ready for bed, I accidentally let the hem of my nightgown dangle into the toilet -- and ended up peeing all over my own nightie. Gah. So now, instead of the sexy Donna Karan nightie that zips open for easy access, I have to wear the granny gown that buttons all the way up to the neck. I look like Ma Ingalls. Zany Dad is not pleased.
- Did I mention I have my period?
Hee hee - despite your claim otherwise, I doubt very much you look like Ma Ingalls.
"easy access" ... still laughing ...
Wow. Sounds like you are LTD - Living The Dream. Not sure what kind of a dream it is though...
My baby pooped in the bath when he had lots and lots of yummy chewy rubber bath toys in the tub: thank U Clorox for making cleanup fun. Now that he is 8 he barely seems able to hit the target of the potty. Just today his shoes were all soggy and so was the floor, so you kinda read my mind a propos of bodily fluids.
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